To work at Subway you need to be this age:
16 years old
However, the minimum age to work at Subway as a store manager is 18 years old. You may also be able to start a job at Subway at 15 years old in some states in the U.S. Ask at our local store.
There are several requirements to work at Subway:
- Age
- Social Security Number
- Preferred: Some food preparation experience, but not required
You must be at least 16 years of age or older.
Social Security Number:
You must be able to work legally in the United States. U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents can apply. Temporary Residents with appropriate work visas can also apply to work. If you are applying in Canada or in another country the same rule applies. You must be legally allowed to work in the country to get a job with Subway.

Food preparation experience:
If you have food preparation experience, you will likely have a better shot at getting a job, but on their job site it says: No experience is required. You will be trained.
What jobs can I do at Subway when I turn 16 years old?
Sandwich Artist
This job is a fancy name for sandwich maker, and it is a food preparation role. The Sandwich Artist takes customer orders, makes their custom sandwiches, and answers any customer questions as needed.
Cashiers take payments, fulfills orders and upsells customers. The also provide customer service.
Tips on getting hired at Subway:
One website suggested this tip to get hired at Subway: Put your resume and application in a brown envelope and seal it. Go to the local Subway shop, with a pen. Go to the person at the cash. Ask them for the name of the manager (or franchise owner, if he or she does the hiring for the store). Write the name on the front of the envelope and give it to the employee. Ask them to give it to the manager (or owner). The owner will open the envelope and read it, and likely call you for an interview.
Weird age-related facts about Subway:
Subway founder Fred Decluca was 17 years old when he started the Subway Sandwich chain.
How to apply to work at Subway in the United States and Canada and other countries:
To apply to work at Subway in your country, here are the steps:
- Prepare a resume.
- Apply online or fill out an application in store.
- Online applications can be done through this link on the Subway jobs website. Select your country. You will be taken to the regional jobs listings for Subway. You will then identify a store you want to apply at and provide your email address, then fill out an online application.
Need a Subway job application form?
Download it here: this is the Subway job application as a PDF.